Next-Gen Ford ranger revealed
November 15, 2021

Mark this date and time “Wednesday, November 24 at 6 pm (AEST)”!
Will you be there? Ford Australia will reveal the next-gen Ranger Pickup on November 24. The Global unveiling of the highly anticipated next-generation Ranger is almost here. The new Ranger is expected to be the smartest, most versatile and capable Ranger ever! It has been reimagined, redesigned and reengineered to be the best and is the result of intensive research conducted over 180 markets around the world. It involved more than 5,000 interviews with hundreds of pickup users participating in scores of workshops around the world to figure out how the owners used the truck, what they liked about it, what they felt it could do with and how their experiences with their Ranger worked for them.
You can expect a new look, a new array of features to boost productivity, capability and versatility. Unbelievable, as it might be to the current Ranger owners, Ford has made sure that the new Ranger can handle even tougher tasks at an even better level of comfort and sophistication than previous models. The new Ranger is even more formidable looking, powerful enough to take on anything that you can throw at it, and comfortable enough to do it without losing your composure.
The level of testing that has gone into the new Ford Ranger is unbelievable. The Ford team has tested it out in every setting they could think of. “Tested to the extreme” is what the Ford Engineers claim. Tested in deserts, on hills, snow, off road, everywhere, and the Ranger has come out the winner!
The effort in designing the new Ford Ranger was always focused on creating a truck that could handle any terrain, climate, or purpose in the world. The “Truly Global Truck”, so to speak. Ford customers worldwide were unanimous about how the Ranger should look, feel and perform according to the Ford team of designers, making it possible to design the Ranger to be “Truly Global”. You can expect a model for everyone and you will be amazed by the performance.
The Ranger has been “Pushed to the Limit” in all aspects by the engineers. Their goal was to ensure that the Ranger was “Durable and Reliable”. It was tested across multiple countries under extreme conditions to test the strength and durability of the vehicle and its key components. Being developed to be sold in over 180 global markets, this was a key requirement for the Ranger. There are going to be a lot of options especially in Australia for customisation given how much Australians enjoy customising their Ranger, so expect Ford to offer a wide choice of accessories so you can make it precisely how you want it.
All this being said, what the specification and design of the new-generation Ranger are going to be is obviously generating a lot of excitement in Australia and across the world. What is it going to look like? How powerful will it be? What is going to be the “WOW” factor? We are sure about one thing; it is going to be a true world-beater above and beyond anything currently available in the market! Make sure you are there to see history being made. Mark the date and time once again, “Wednesday, November 24 at 6 pm (AEST)”! We’ll definitely be there. How about you?