2021 Rise Above – Cancer Convoy
March 18, 2021

The rise above cancer convoy was on again on March 14th on a super rainy day in Canberra. This year, like all others Nathan Hayes from Gerald Slaven was on air in the bidding war with Ross Scarman from the Elvin Group for lead bike honours, but unlike other years, there was a special person also bidding for this great honour.
Across the airwaves came a voice from a caller who started the bidding in memory of his wife who passed away from Cancer in 2020. Nick wanted to lead this year’s convoy in honour of his wife and to help the organisation “Rise above” raise much needed funds to continue to battle cancer. (In 2020 this wonderful organisation raised $378,000 at Convoy)
After hearing Nick’s story both Ross and Nathan decided to hand their bids over to Nick to help him take the lead. Several other callers also chipped in another $1500 towards Nicks bid as well, meaning he would lead the bikes in 2021.
It was such an amazing gesture from all involved and not one of them hesitated in helping. This is the 7th year that Gerald Slaven has been a Convoy supporter and Nathan himself has led the bike Convoy on several occasions, donating over $70,000 in the process.
This years Convoy will looked a little different due to COVID-19 regulations but the Trucks and Motorbikes still did their thing to help raise much-needed funds to help those in the Canberra Region in their fight against Cancer.
Rise above – cancer convoy sees hundreds of Trucks and Motorbikes take the journey from Beard Industrial Estate just outside of Queanbeyan and drive through Canberra to Exhibition Park, where the family fun day and concert wrap up the Convoy.